Stage 0: Building the Foundation

Launch of Chronicle:

  • Develop and deploy Chronicle, a comprehensive platform designed to autonomously recognize and document users' interactions with AI technologies across the industry.

  • Implement a browser extension and mobile application for Chronicle, allowing users to encrypt and log their usage data on a secure, decentralized network. This feature promotes transparency and user empowerment in their AI engagements.

  • Chronicle aims to honor and reward the early adopters of the platform, providing acknowledgment for their pioneering role in the AI revolution.

Enhancement of the Chronicle Platform:

  • Position Chronicle as the leading AI aggregator powered by user contributions and governed by a decentralized community.

  • Users will leverage Chronicle to discover optimal AI solutions for diverse applications and to support emerging AI projects in their infancy, with the potential for rewards based on their contributions and engagement.

Tokenization - Launching $ACC:

  • Introduce $ACC, ACC stands for Accelerations, as well as All Can Contribute.

  • This initiative of $ACC is all about you—no team, no investors, just 100% dedication to empowering early participants like you to shape our path from the ground up.

  • It's important to note that $ACC is not the main token of the project. Instead, it serves as a Stage 0 token exclusively for our community. As we prepare for Stage 1, $ACC will evolve into Main Tokens at a conversion ratio that will be revealed during the Main Token TGE.

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